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Perfacto: Leverage AI power to strategically boost workforce performance, achieve growth targets, and create a collective performance culture
Learn how organizations can improve employee engagement, lead teams, and drive high performance with an inclusive performance culture. Perfacto is a strategic performance management platform powered by embedded artificial intelligence and achievements data mining capabilities. It helps you implement an inclusive performance strategy across the organization to boost organizational prospects, and excel.

Create an Equitable and Collective Performance Culture with Perfacto. Step up your Workplace Performance.

Build high-performing workplaces, where employees feel included and empowered to contribute
It has been established time and again that better compensations, lucrative offers, and impressive job titles alone cannot retain the best talent in the organization or help you achieve business goals. What can actually work more effectively is the right work culture in the organization. When an organization inculcates its culture with its greatest asset —the workforce —the result is mostly a deeply engaged, motivated, and productive employee.
An effective performance management system must ensure that team performance is aligned with organizational goals or performance targets. By aligning team performance plans with the organization’s performance strategy, an organization is more likely to achieve its goals because each team’s efforts are channeled in the same direction as the organization.
AI-driven Performance Management: Switch automation gears when you are ready

Entry Level Automation
Selection of this level allows planners to retain control of setting targets, updating achievements, feedback scheduling, and concluding the review cycle. The performance measurement process remains in autopilot mode.

Partial Robot Controlled
This level extends entry-level automation capability to AI-driven targets setting, measuring achievements, robotic feedback scheduling, initiating, and collecting. Feedback is concluded by the planners.

Fully Robot Controlled
This level leverages AI to enable end-to-end management of target setting, and data mining into enterprise transactions to identify and measure achievements. This includes robotic management and the generation of performance scores

Start your enterprise-wide performance drive with Perfacto: Capability overview
An employee performance culture is characterized by high levels of accountability, integrity, and commitment to excellence. It is focused on continuous improvement and a drive to achieve results.
Collective Performance
Transform the end to end process of measuring the performance of departments, business units, operating units, divisions and work groups across the organization with Perfacto
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Focusing on key indicator of success and helps to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, to the desired quality standards which is essenttial to retain your valuable customers.
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Organization Performance
Perfacto helps you scientifically measure diverse feedback received from customers and other stakeholders. Evaluate the performance of the organization and identify areas for improvement.
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AI-driven feedback scheduling, response management and robotic measurement of feedback data
Collecting feedback from multiple stakeholders and measuring feedback data is a resource-intensive exercise. Perfacto is going to transform this process with minimal human involvement, it helps you:

Develop feedback review strategies, define weight breakdown rules, set up frequency of the reviews and configure automation level and controls.

Implement integrated feedback review process and measure feedback data coming from internal employees, managers, peers, direct reports, customers, users, departments, business units, shareholders, auditors etc

Robotic management of feedback schedules, automated emails with weblink to the feedback providers, monitor response, automated followups, conclude review and generate performance scores

Ready-to-use questions library containing 300+ pre-configured questions and 25+ feedback templates.

Robotic targets management, data mining into transactional data to identify and measure achievements
Organization-level goals planning, setting performance drive, and assigning periodic targets for departments, business units, branches, projects, and individuals. Perfacto covers every aspect of the enterprise performance that needs to be measured, It enables businesses to:

Build long-term performance plans, robotic allocation of yearly performance targets for each KPI, and set quarterly checkpoints values.

Define average performance point (APP), which means the percent of achievements that are considered to be an APP (e.g. APP% value = 80 means one has to achieve 80% targets to get a score of 5 out of 10)

Integrated targets across the different levels in the organization and robotic allocation and management of performance targets.

ETL tool to upload targets, achievements, or transactional data in the system. Data mining into transaction data to detect the achievements of a specific performance center or an individual.

Build evaluation metrics to measure feedback and achievement data scientifically.
The right KPIs and evaluation metrics act as essential navigation tools that help leadership understand if they are on-track in delivering on their strategic goals. If you don’t want to fly blind, then you require relevant and meaningful business measures to set your performance drive in the right direction. The solution facilitates:

Customize, reuse, build new evaluation metrics and measure feedback and achievement data scientifically across the organization.

Flexibility to create metrics that work best with your organization. There is no limit to adding new metrics in the system.

Create MCQ metrics along with scores for each choice in the metrics and use these in the multiple questions and feedback templates.

You do not need to start from scratch, you will get 30+ prebuild and configured evaluation metrics to choose from.

Perfacto is powered by artificial intelligence and embedded RPA tools to schedule and autopilot review processes. It also reduces up to 90% of the effort involved in conducting performance appraisals while helping you build a collective performance culture
Employees want bias-free and inclusive workplace cultures that not only emphasize integrity and collaboration but also encourage them to achieve their potential, understand the value of their contributions and support others. Perfacto is an integrated platform to help you develop a framework to effectively link individual efforts to organizational performance while scheduling and auto-conducting performance reviews. It can help you in the following ways:
Set clear goals to base performance on facts, not opinion. Our scientific evaluation process will help you account for every contributing factor.
Create performance centers, enroll employees, set periodic goals, and evaluate achievements.
Adjust the frequency of reviews, implement continuous feedback, and conduct 360-degree feedback.
Robotically scheduling, conducting, and managing feedback collection process with minimal HR involvement.

Our cutting-edge capability is built on scientific performance driver (KPIs) modeling, setting up periodic goals for individuals, centers, business units, organization level, and scientific measurement of performance data
Accounting for every aspect and factor that influences the performance of the workforce and organization. Robotically scheduling and conducting performance reviews wherever needed including feedback 360.
Perfacto gives you the flexibility to build performance review strategies that work best with different roles and work profiles. Whether your employees work in a retail store or back office, or in a project.