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Ai-driven employee performance management with Perfacto

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Employee Performance Drive: Boost workforce performance with an inclusive culture and robotic measurement of performance data. Time to move from subjective to objective review model.

Efficient measurement of employee performance has been a challenge for a long time primarily due to the feedback-based performance appraisal culture established in most organizations. Feedback-based performance reviews are ineffective and deliver no real value to the organization. You need to measure individual performance in line with the performance of the department or business unit they are associated with in order to drive high performance.

Explore what Perfacto can do to boost your employee performance drive
Reinforcing positive performance culture and enabling teams to work toward organizational goals 

Feedback-based reviews alone don’t suffice - Transform the employee review process to drive real value

  • Only 2% of companies believe their existing performance appraisal systems deliver exceptional values (Mercer global survey)

  • 74% of employees believe that performance appraisals are frustrating, pointless, and serve no real purpose (UK-based survey)

  • 87% of HR leaders believe feedback-based employee performance reviews are ineffective and a mundane exercise (Gartner survey) 

Build the right performance evaluation strategies for different employee groups; whether it is based on their job role, team goals, skill profile, assignment, etc. Perfecto is the all-in-one solution that helps you transform feedback collection, KPIs, and measurement process.  to setting up KPIs, and performance targets in one centralized system.

Employee Performance: Solutions that you can add as you progress

Employee Feedback

Build feedback-based employee performance review strategies that include 360-degree reviews. Autopilot feedback scheduling, collection, measurement, and score generation process

Target Based Reviews

Set individual KPIs and periodic performance targets, and upload or update achievements. Autopilot performance targets allocation, measurement, and score generation process. 

Hybrid Reviews

Employee performance drive that includes feedback and targets-based performance assessment. It also integrates individual KPIs and targets with enterprise, department, or team-level goals. 

Inclusive Performance

This is a complete transformation allowing you to measure employee performance in line with their department, business unit, or project performance with a predefined weight ratio.

Encompass different perspectives in the employee feedback collection process

Instead of just the manager’s feedback, 360-degree feedback gives organization a broad assessment of employee performance based on the views of various stakeholders. So, rather than just hearing what a manager has to say about his subordinate, employee feedback encompasses the following perspectives:

  • Employee (via a self-assessment)

  • Line or reporting manager

  • Manager +N1 (One level up in the reporting hierarchy)

  • Manager +N2 (Two levels up in the reporting hierarchy)

  • Direct reports: Configure if all the direct reports or nominated ones are to provide feedback.

  • Colleagues/peers: Nominate peers to participate in the feedback collection process

  • Performance Center: The manager or owner of the performance center e.g department manager, business unit manager etc

  • External Invitees: The list includes clients, project stakeholders, end users, and others

  • Internal Invitees: Teams, departments, compliance, and others


AI-driven employee feedback management allows you to conduct 360-degree reviews with minimal HR involvement 

Routine, repetitive, resource-intensive, and error-prone performance appraisal processes often contribute to HR’s beleaguered reputation as a reactive partner in an organization. While discussions on HR’s value and efficacy continue, companies – irrespective of their size or scale of operations – are warming up to technology and AI-driven process automation enabling HR the elbow room to help focus on more valuable activities and play a strategic role in the organization.

360 Degree Feedback

This includes feedback from reporting manager++, self, peer, direct reports, department managers, customers, users, and other external invitees 

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180 Degree Feedback

Reporting or line managers are requested to provide feedback in addition to the self-appraisal of the employee.

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90 Degree Feedback

In this scenario, the performance of the employee is reviewed only based on the feedback collected from their reporting or line manager.

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Employee Performance Capabilities

Power packed capabilities to boost employee performance drive

Measure employee performance data robotically with Perfacto - Preconfigured KPIs with evaluation metrics to make your drive a breeze

  • Define value drivers (KPIs) and evaluation metrics: Choose from 500+ ready-to-use KPIs in our library with the flexibility to create more as and when needed.

  • Set periodic performance targets: Set yearly performance targets for each KPI with quarterly checkpoints and assess individual achievements. 

  • Scientifically measure performance data/ achievements, publish quarterly and yearly performance scores

A vast majority of HR leaders understand that present performance appraisal systems are ineffective and there is a constant need to redesign performance management to deliver value in today’s evolving and complex business environment. Perfacto is the most advanced employee performance management platform that can help you build high-performing teams.


Manage employee performance drivers (KPIs) and measure achievements 

An organization without key performance indicators is like a journey without a map. When you don’t have a map during your journey, there is no way for you to measure how far you have reached since you started. In an organization, clearly defined employee KPIs that are linked to your organization’s goals are the key to measuring the progress made within a set time frame. Some of the benefits that Perfacto can add to your organization are as follow:


Build diverse strategies to measure employee performance based on various factors. 


Create veriety of evaluation metrics to measure employee achievements data scientifically. 


Upload employee performance targets and achievement data from .csv file. 


Data mining into transactional data to identify and measure employee achievements.


Robotic generation of employee performance scores on  quarterly basis.

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